Every day

"An Artful Journey" meant that I was able to capture the things of interest in my immediate space as I sat on the plane today.

Of course there is always the beauty of the scenery on the ground and color of the sky and shapes of the clouds.

It’s free, it’s beautiful and it gives me pleasure.

You don’t have to travel to places far away…. your journey begins with the dawn of the day.

I worked on a new presentation today as I listened to my favorite music.

I met a lady who was worried about finding the coffee shop in the airport… I tried to give her directions and I could see she was having difficulty understanding, so I walked with her the few blocks to the shop and then escorted her back to the shuttle stop. She came from Jordan and was distressed that she had just sent her youngest son (aged 6) to Jordan for a holiday with her Husband. We became short acquaintance friends. She talked of her loneliness in middle America as a Muslim woman… She missed her family even after 18 years of living here… her children are American.

I smiled at the bumbling antics of the man sitting across from me…his office in the plane was littered with papers, lunch wrappers and drink containers, he kept dropping his mouse as he was working on his computer. it went skidding down the aisle, it’s little red light flashing as it flew…

I sat in the shuttle with two men of gigantic proportion…. one had rather unpleasant BO so I shut out their existence by listening to loud country music and shutting my eyes.

It was an artful journey full of experiences that to some may seem mundane but to me they are delightfully colorful and full of comic relief.

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