I’m short and old.

It's almost 10.00 pm, I've been out here since 6.00 am and I'm about to retire.

I didn't get the  AgaPAMthus today… I had other things to work on…. in fact, I guess I can tell you…. I quilted an entire lady today, she's almost 2 feet tall….

It's a special project so I can't share… but she

 has an interesting air about her.

The air conditioner was pumping today with the temperature rising to 39 deg, (104). My cleaners came in smiling…"Well I guess you're happy now" they said… knowing I love hot weather.

I had this photo sent to me…  OK, so I'm short and old and Georgia is 15 and very tall and makes beautiful quilts.


This is her quilt….


5 Comments Add yours

  1. Dolores says:

    Beautiful quilt. Can you tell us more about this quilt and the very talented 15 year old, Georgia?

  2. monique button says:

    Short and Old?? PFT! With age comes experience and the ‘Tall one’ would LOVE even half yours!!!
    ps..shes 14.
    proud mum

  3. Judy B says:

    Gorgia has so much time to get the experience!
    I don’t think we will be much older before we will be able to say about a very talented and well known artist , ‘I remember Georgia winning her first sewing machine!’
    Hmm! We can say that already!
    Judy B

  4. Pam says:

    OOOh 14, sorry.

  5. Carol Hansen says:

    That is one gorgeous quilt.

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