
Picture I have 4 pairs of scissors. All the same.
They are just wonderful for cutting small applique details.
Originally I used the scissors shown below, but I ended up with callouses on my fingers.
I can put a pair at each station as I work.
One on the light box, one on the light box,one by the fabric. One on the table and one by the ironing pad.
Indulgent it may be, but with a 30 foot studio, it saves a lot of thinking, walking and time.


3 Comments Add yours

  1. Sherrod West says:

    One can never have too many scissors. The use of the sewing scissors by a husband for non sewing projects can be mentioned in the divorce proceedings,

    1. says:

      That’s true Sherrod….

  2. Heather Watts says:

    Yes, and I like my ONE pair toooo. Of course I have plenty of other scissors

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