A few days of gorgeousness

Some days I wake up, lump in my throat,  I pinch myself, its real, and I feel incredibly lucky to have somehow landed here, in this curiously creative  life style.

How on earth did it happen?
India, Dubai, Mexico, Italy, Ireland, Bahamas, Caribbean, Norway, Australia, USA, France, New Zealand.

Surely it couldn’t all be in the name of Quilting. !!!!! 
To be honest, it just happens, no fan fare, no requesting on my part, just exciting offers and 90% of the time I say “Yes”
As we wind down our class here in Sulmona Abruzzo. I feel privileged to have experienced the time in class, the sightseeing, the camaraderie and generosity of our hosts. Bruce and Averil.
It’s a rare treat to have husband Keith along and he’s enjoyed the company of the other men in the group while I worked.
At times in our lives it the other way round  !!!
Averil asked, I came as did the rest of the group and a huge thankyou to them all for their participation.

We worked most of the day in the studio yesterday which allowed us an early minute to visit Introdaqua a medieval city of 2500 population. It was fascinating to walk from the Castle tower down though the city, the vistas, breathtaking with roofs of ancient terra-cotta., Walls of immaculate whitewash, divided and united by a maze of narrow alleys and daring staircases marked by everlasting cobble stones.
Quaint chimney pots, buildings that defy gravity and all laced together with cobblestones and terra-cotta., garlanded by washing hung high in the streets joining  one building to another like decorative flags.

The cameras went wild.
This is  far from the India that I was in last week. No cows in the streets, mo horns blaring or people trying to sell you things you don’t really need but  you feel you should buy.
I will add beautiful photos tomorrow… now i 

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