I was 3 years old and the family was anticipating the birth of my brother. I was sent to an Aunts house to stay while Mum coped with the new baby. My relatives lived high on a hill some 3 miles on the other side of the city. I imagine I asked constantly to be taken home and I guess I was dismissed. So I packed my case and went home myself. I was very small for my age, articulate, blonde curls and I have been told I  had a mind of my own.


I set off and I remember walking bent down behind a fence like a commando   when I saw a lady we knew working in her garden.  We lived in a small shack by the golf course, you can imagine my Mothers shock when she found me sitting on the step by the frond door. I was aware that I had done something wrong so I didn’t go in, I sat there for ages  it seemed. Then again I couldn’t understand the huge fuss from the adults when they found me, but at least I was home.

I repeated that adventure many times  when I was sent to school on the bus, I hated school and often returned home.   One of our sons did the same thing, so I did understand his angst and I was sympathetic to his feelings.

I was a different kid I think. I just lived in my own world which included art, music and reading and I was very happy, content and optimistic and I had no idea that others didn’t look at things the way I did. I always looked on the good side of every situation. Even as a five-year old I confidently considered myself an artist.  Thats the way it was in the 50’s.   I didn’t have grandparents I could follow and in a way my parents both of whom were incredibly talented didn’t have ‘craft time‘ with our children. I guess, its just the way it was. My siblings and I are the opposite we share our creative expressions with our Grandies and it’s exciting to see them grow into their own talents.

Things are so different now. Craft is an art in its own box, and craft has been our Grandies normal thing to do when they visit. Some children take to it more than others and they surprise me with their knowledge and ability. I’m aware that I need to make more time for them and add to their experience.

Tilly really took off with her free motion sewing this week.


I bought some books for children in the Metropolitan in NY. Today we looked at the art of Mary Cassatt and Edgar Degas. They are wonderful books. (even for and adult)

mary Cassati childrens books

This was a video we made last year… it’s such fun to have  a record of the things they make Oh and fortunately the teeth have grown.


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Sue Faiathfull says:

    Hi Pam
    3 years ago when my now 14 year old grandson came for the weekend I wanted to do something different with him. We made a Ricky Tims convergence pillow for his mum – he was so proud of making it for her. Can’t say he’s really into sewing but he did enjoy that experience. I intend to give the other grandies a chance of making something soon.

    Cheers Sue in Perth

  2. Pam Holland says:

    I love teaching the Grandies…. then again, I love my ‘clean’ studio today with no little people around.

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