Art to make your heart leap – color.

It’s a week since I posted a blog.  Life has a way of grounding you every now and then.

However, I’m back on track.

The  Art Gallery of South Australia is one of my favourite places to spend a day. I think I first went there by myself at about 12 and I’ve been doing so ever since.


The Gallery is featuring an exhibition named  TARNANTHI.

This image is on the wall of the children workshop area.

Pronounced tar-nan-dee, is a Kaurna word from the traditional owners of the Adelaide Plains. It means to come forth or appear – like the sun and the first emergence of light, or a seed sprouting. For many cultures, first light signifies new beginnings.

It’s a large collection of contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Aboriginal art.

My first “Oh my Goodness moment” was viewing the art of Gloria Pannka.

Gloria Pannka is a second generation Hermannsburg School watercolour artist, as her father Claude Pannka was one of the original Hermannsburg School watercolour artists.

As you wander through the gallery you suddenly get a peep through the door of the skirts painted with vibrant outback colors suspended from the ceiling. The shadows reflecting delicate floating  shapes on the floor.







Wander slowly further and I came upon this amazing piece.

aboriginal art

The Artist is Peter Mungkuri, Pitjantjatjara People. The title Ngura.




Peter Mungkuri

“I was born in the bush near Mimili, me and my mum and father had no clothes, and were living traditional way. One time some fella came with cattle for branding; that wati (man) was the first white person I ever saw. I never went to school, my school was riding horses, learning to brand and break them in. All us tjilpi (old men) used to be stockmen, we went everywhere working together; Mimili, Kenmore Park, Granite Downs, all over the place, every station; we had a good time working and didn’t worry about other things. We had a whole herd of horses, back then we were all cowboys. These things, and everything here, is my memory – my knowledge, I like to paint the memories of my country.”




There was a Textile feature in the Gallery and it was wonderful.

Making place.




5 Comments Add yours

  1. Peggy says:

    Love this folk art, lively art, beautiful!

  2. Wendy in Kennewick says:

    Truly spectacular visuals! Creating from the heart… thank you for sharing!

  3. Sue Buxton says:

    I too thought this exhibition was beautiful – so diverse and full of colour – Sue Buxton

  4. Dorothy Karman says:

    Love your blog! Thanks for sharing.

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