Walking in Denver.

I can finally write the blog now that I have decent internet service.

I arrived in Denver Wednesday  evening after a wonderful textile even in Asilomar.

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I was drawing on my ipad on the plane, when I realized I had taken a photo of myself. Lucky no one was sitting next to me.!!

I looked out of the window as we were taking off in Phoenix and this is what I saw. A plane with the TWA symbol on it…

American Airlines has rolled out the last of its “Heritage Plane” paint jobs that pay homage to the carriers in its merger family tree.

The latest two classic liveries are for TWA and AirCal, each of which was acquired by American and folded into the American brand.

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Its been a busy trip, LA, Nepal, Alamagordo, Chicago, Asilomar and now Denver. I actually have the next 3 days free and today I took it easy and walked out with the camera… not my fancy one but the shots came out quite well I think.

This is what I see out walking, this is my view of Denver in just a few hours.

First stop, just by my hotel was the Denver Center for the Performing Arts (DCPA) is an organization in The city, which provides a showcase for live theatre, a nurturing ground for new plays, It was founded in 1972 and dedicated to excellence in the arts. Hanging from the ceiling in the huge atrium were a number of huge printed textile banners, I wonder what they do with them when they are past their use by date.

I’m sure I could find a use for them. They floated in the breeze high above my head.

I stood and watched them for ages. Then I realized that I was being watched.!!!


I love murals. They last for many years, often as a testament to the artist who no longer lives. However, his or her handwork and emotion lives on. This rider is in the no parking lane, but somehow I don’t think he cares.

DSC01008_HDR_editNo Dumping in Denver.

I walked on past the convention centre and I was confronted by a huge blue bear peering through the top floor windows.



They even have huge cows performing tricks.

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Love it.


There is a yellow wall just outside my hotel. At first I thought how clever to add the black spots, then I realized it was the shadow.



Murals and carving added to one of the buildings I passed. This mural was created by Allen Tupper True (May 30, 1881 – November 1, 1955). He  was an American illustrator, easel painter and muralist  who specialized in depicting the American West.


This is a painting I saw in a window, I will investigate it further.



6 Comments Add yours

  1. Barbara Hanaburgh says:

    Wow! Thanks so much, as I’ve never been to Denver.

    Barbara, from NY

    Sent from my iPad


  2. Anna Mae Gazo says:

    Pam, I met you at the Asilomar walk about Tues evening. I’m interested in your classes on machine quilting, and you suggested I email you for that info. I will be looking for your Craftsy class when it is available, but may want more! It was fun to see your amazing work in person. Thank you. Enjoy your blog as well!

  3. Deb says:

    I stop what i am doing to read your blogs when they come in. I love them. Blog on x

  4. Fran Cox says:

    I envy your life of travel talking and teaching. You have a wonderful talent that you share with the world.

  5. lesley Hurt says:

    Safe journey. Loved this blog. Thanks for the wonderful photos and your “selfie”.

    1. Pam Holland says:

      Thank you.

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