Step outside the ‘normal.’

I love the ‘ordinary’ but I’ve embraced another way of exercising my creative process.

In fact I sort of fell into it.

I don’t always follow through on it, but its there, in the back of my mind and surfaces more often than not.
It makes the way I live a foolproof way instilling a freedom I was afraid of in the past. Its nothing fancy, but it puts a smile on my face.

Step outside the ‘normal’, known as the ‘expected’
Be curious, Be honest, be true to your self, be indignant but learn to “see’ the exclusiveness of the experience.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Bev Longford says:

    Nice, other wise words from poet Mary Oliver, a quote “Pay attention, Be Astonished, Tell about it”. I’ve just sewn these words onto 2 quilts I have made for my 2 granddaughters.
    Bev Longford

  2. Linda Bennett says:

    Hi Pam.
    Do you use an app manipulate this photo? Which one?
    Thank you,

    1. Pam Holland says:

      No I didn’t Linda, it was just the light come through the water. I had the hose on the garden.

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