It’s misty, is it smoke or is it pollution, I don’t really know, but in the cloudless sky the sun shines and throws a mellow hue giving a sense of mystery and blankets all in my sight,

It’s 9.30 am and we’re in a constant stream of traffic, there doesn’t appear to be any designated lanes, just a crush of cars and motor bikes and the sounds of horns in chorus. The sound is  constant and   with no reprieve.

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We pass vehicles packed to capacity with maybe 12 or more people crammed in unusual positions!  Who cares about personal space?

Gradually the road clears and for someone who finds it hard to sit still, I put in my trusty earphones and listen to gospel music, relishing the harmony. I’m not religious, but the gospel songs are a memory of childhood and the music we sang with family.

City gives way to countryside and the mist remains, its changed color from amber to white and the trees appear in the distance in ghostly form, layers of shapes and hues.

Our vehicle is very comfortable and we move at a comfortable pace, past the bus full of pilgrims on the Taj express, and the grand tourist buses with sleeping Europeans. We’re on our way to the Taj Mahal.

I’ve been here several times previously. Somehow you need to get everything to work for you, The temperature, the weather, the people and today it all worked well for me.

However, you never forget the first sighting of the Taj Mahal. It takes your breathe away.

When I was eleven, a friend of my Mothers showed me pictures of the Taj Mahal, she had visited as a travel agent and my imagination went wild… I will never forget that afternoon its still very vivid in my mind. How could I imagine that I, a poor shy kid for the suburbs would be able to visit it…  Well here I am and I’m going to enjoy every minute.


My companions let me work my magic. The crowds have no though of personal space and I was jostled once too many times, so I just went right up to the  barrier and stood in front of the photographic touts and shot the images. Lost in my own imagination… I took just a few minutes and I knew I had captured what I needed.



Our guide Mr Govind gave us a wonderful rendition of the history of the mausoleum.


The water of turquoise, the sky was blue and the colors of the visitors added to the emotion.

So I think I will let the images tell the story.






The light mellowed, it changed as we sat there watching the magic before our eyes.


taj 2









15 Comments Add yours

  1. Wendy in Kennewick says:


  2. Lisa says:

    The photos are breathtaking – so happy I have a friend who travels the world and shares her vision with me……

  3. Bill Chance says:

    Really nice entry and great photos. Love your statement about first seeing the Taj.

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Pamela Armas says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your pictures of the Taj. I took my son Jeffery to India with me the year before he passed away. Everyday I look at the pictures of him standing in front of the great Taj Mahal with fond memories of both Jeffery and this magnificent structure.

    I have visited the Taj Mahal 23 Times on every trip I made to India. I have watched the deterioration over the years, yet it still stands as the most beautiful structure in the world(my opinion).

    Enjoy this holiday and again, thank you for sharing. Hugs, Gypsy Pamela

    Sent from my iPad


  5. Sandy t. says:

    It is so wonderful to travel the world through your eyes.

  6. Di Deahl says:

    These photos are wonderful, Pam. I doubt I will ever travel to see this man-made marvel, but I can sense the awesomeness of it through your perceptive eyes and unique skills. Thank you!

  7. Pamela Armas says:

    Have a masala dosa and a bAnana latte today and think of me.

    Sent from my iPad


  8. Lou Ann Schlichter says:

    Spectacular; breathtaking; awesome images! Thank you Pam, for sharing your glorious photos and musings!

  9. Peggy Baker says:

    Beautiful and one place I have always wanted to see.

  10. Pam Vanderzalm says:

    Pam, Your shots of India, especially the Taj Mahal bought back very vivid memories. We visited 4 yrs ago and my first viewing of this magnificent monument was breath taking, something I shall never forget. I also have many shots of the mood of the country and it’s amazing color and artistic work in many forms. Thank you so much for rekindling such beautiful memories.

  11. Nola says:

    Wow Pam! Amazing photographs and your tenacity really paid off when capturing the changing light. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

  12. glendajean says:

    I was about the same age Pam when I saw a photo of it, It was in a book of my grandmothers and for some reason it was been thrown out and I had picked it up and found several wonderful photos in it and one was of the Taj Mahal and it is identical as your photo same golden colours, I pulled that photo out of the book and I have it still to this day!!!!!! Thanks for the memories and the beautiful visit through your camera eye yet again. Cheers Glenda

    1. Pam Holland says:

      Glad you enjoyed it Glenda.

  13. Marty says:

    Thank you for sharing these views and your comments on what I’ve always considered to be an exotic tribute to love. By the way, I just learned of you and your work for the first time tonight (while browsing through a friend’s discarded quilting magazine, an issue from August 2007). I’m thrilled to see all you’ve been doing since your ‘creative grief’ work on The 1776 Quilt! I look forward to future experiences as I follow you. Blessings from Iowa, USA.

  14. Lesley Lyons says:

    Exquisite images of the Taj Mahal. Would love to see it. I held my breath as I viewed your pics. Thank you.

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