Let’s Draw on the Ipad.

I’m using Adobe Sketch on my iPad Pro for this exercise.

You can download it from the Apple Store for free for a short time or you can add it to your Adobe suite of apps is you use Adobe.

Open the app and you will be presented with this screen.

I choose the landscape

On the left hand side of the screen you will see a list of tools to draw with. I’m going to choose the second to last brush, the watercolour brush

I choose the watercolour brush and change the color to black. I will fill the size circle to 300 which will give me all over cover for the background of the image.

The watercolour back ground, I left a little shadow to show it was painted.

I changed to settings to a pen setting, The size was 80, the flow 100% and then drew on the screen.

Shaped the top and bottom of the trees using the pen tool, black, size around 30

These are the settings for the pen, add a few twiddle branches.

Look at the settings on the page.

DONE…. I added some smaller yellow dots and the black detail pen on the trunks. Note the white pencil mark on the image, to get rid of it you go the bent arrow at the top of the page and just “Undo” but in this case I’m going to crop the image so I didn’t worry.

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