
Wednesday is family dinner night. The local restaurant has curry for $12…. and it’s real, not pretend stuff. We’re given our own room and it’s always rather noisy.
When it gets too loud I try to become anonymous. Well, with our family that’s always been difficult. With a multiracial family we were always on show…..people either thought that I traveled a lot or had a number of interesting partners…!!!!
In America recently I had my daughter Callie who was born in Sri Lanka and her son with me. A girl came up and said to Cal….. "Your so beautiful, what mixture are you"?       …… sounded as if she was she was formed from a cake mix…. "Oh, Australian/Sri Lankan" says Cal…. I looked at her sideways and silently rolled my eyes !!!!
We burst into giggles, however, it was a cute comment.
I could have told the gal the truth….. but she wouldn’t believe  me, "Oh,we found her on a train line as a newborn" !!!
Tonight it was, "oh you’re the lady in the paper today. How many children do you have?"
Now what the heck does the size of our family have to do with the fact that the article was about my book.!!!!
I forgot the article was going in the paper… also forgot to tell Keith, but clients informed him…..(red face)..Dsc01967_1

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