The story of the ‘shack’

The phone rang; it was Easter holiday weekend; we were enjoying the peace of the four-day break.“Keith, I think the tenants have done a bunk,” said Jamies’ friend John. He also has a holiday property in the same area. Next door in fact. Our day plans changed, and with our son Jinda and his family,…

Animal Kingdom

Another fabulous day here. The place is buzzing with excitement, not just for quilting but because there is a huge World Series baseball game happening right now just blocks from us. So we have quilters rubbing shoulders with baseball fans and trust me, its an interesting combination.

Leaving home is hard.

I have 100’s of people with great expectations resting on my shoulders relying on me and if I leave just one thing out of the list it could be a disaster. On the other hand, once I’m in the plane and in the process of travel, it all fades into the background and I just get on with the journey. Sometimes it’s a week journey, sometimes a month and often 3 months with multiple projects to juggle.


Camels I’ve had a love hate relationship with camels, and I’ve ridden them in Dubai, India and Jordan. You know I could take it or leave it, to be honest, I’m not built for camel riding. We visited Petra in Jordan and this is where these photos were taken. I have made and taught a…

Traveling to the Cape of Good Hope.

Notes from Yesterday. It’s early morning here in Cape town and the day is going to be busy. The mountain is grey still and when I finish this, it will be in bright sunshine. We drive on a very narrow road where hills rise to huge heights on the left. The ground drops hundreds of…

Morocco No 3.

Photographs of the things I viewed in the Souks. I finally sat and had a mint tea, grabbing the sun as much as I could. The last place I visited was the Museum and Gallery. I walked on tiles magnificent, trying to ignore my painful foot. On to the photography Museum, a delicious late lunch…

A few hours in Narita.

  Yesterday, we had a short one day stop over in Japan en route  to Bangkok. We were supposed to have a day and a half, but leaving ones passport in a hire car put paid to that unfortunately and rescheduling gave us less time to explore. Traveling from the USA to Bangkok, our fare…

India – Textiles unwound.

On the road in the state of Gujarat.   We arrived at Rann Riders late morning yesterday. It’s a resort of sorts because it is close to the wild donkey area and a lake where there is a lot of wildlife. There are no other guests here right now, tourism is down due to a…