A special day.

It's been really cold for the past week.

I'm very rarely home at this time of the year.


This time last year I had spent three months away, returned home and then back to the warmth of the USA again.

This year, my sabbatical year, I've experienced the slow change of seasons. The intermittent rain, falling leaves, clear crisp Autumn days and the color surrounding us and showering us with the inevitable promise of a cold winter.

We live in the Adelaide Hills and although we are just 20 minutes from the milder climate of the city of Adelaide at sea level. 1000 feet makes a huge difference in climate.

When our children were young. I bought them all 'snow suits' it was a '70's thing. They hung in line on hooks in the laundry and on a cold day like today, they could just put them on over their normal clothes and play outside.

Having a multiracial family of 13 children was a bit of a head turner, but today I learned that they were the envy of some of the neighborhood children because of their 'snowsuits'

At our family bonfire today, one of our children's friends wife was there with her 11 month old baby… she proudly shared that her son was wearing a snow suit…. "just like your children did" she said proudly. It appears that her husband (now in his late thirties) had told her about the "Hollands Snowsuits".

As a family, these cultural icons have been discussed lately… now the Daughters and Daughters in Law want some for their children… so I'm on the search for them as I travel this year.

It was a precious day, and I always have the camera ready to capture the moment.


Savannah, Tilly and Kodi, made Islands and Bridges. The colored strips for their hair came from the two dollar shop… they just loved them.

What a delight to play in wet sand.


Lily took it all in. This is her yard!!!!

I was shooting large files today so I'm going to make an album on Facebook to share the photos.

An announcement to all that another precious baby is on its way made the day special.

I took the little people up the hill to conquer the leopard that hides in the bushes… armed with weapons and protected by their 'castle' in the tree, we had a grand time. !!!! We even found leopard fur… and considering Australia doesn't even have leopards it was amazing.!!!


One Comment Add yours

  1. Wendy in Kennewick says:

    Sounds like a perfect day. Congratulations on the new grandbaby news!

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